Friday 26 August 2011


Doomsday poster
Summary:  A viral plague breaks out in Scotland, killing with massive loss of blood and pus, resulting in militarily enforced quarantine.  After 30 years a Kate Beckinsale lookalike (Rhona Mitra) is sent in to find a cure, only to discover a crazy Mad Max world.

I have to start off by saying that I did not expect much of this movie, so all opinions are coloured by low expectations.  That said, “Mad Max meets 28 Days Later” has the definite ring of potential.  If you like post-apocalyptic (check), goo-splattered (check), violence (check) with sexy, ass-kicking babes (big check), then you may want to check this out.  Oh yeah, Malcolm McDowell is in it too.  That in itself is almost enough reason to watch a movie.  As far as I’m concerned, if you can’t get Dennis Hopper as your bad guy, then Malcolm McDowell is the next best thing, so thumbs up casting director (although Dr. Bashir from DS9 as the prime minister is a bit odd).
So what is there to say about the movie itself?  Objectively speaking, there is nothing particularly special about the skill with which the movie is put together.  The directing is better than I expected and the editing is such that you can actually tell what is going on in a fight.  The acting is adequate.  Not much is asked for, but everyone delivers.  But I don’t think that is why you are reading this review or considering watching this movie.  We all want blood, don’t we?  And that is where this movie is a Viking.  On display, for your viewing pleasure, is an excellent array of severed limbs, decapitations, gaping wounds, blood and pus-filled boils, and even a body bursting like a water balloon, a la Planet Terror.  Now, all these things are not on the scale of something like Planet Terror, but there is a healthy volume of goo nonetheless.  I don’t want to spoil it for anyone, but about 2/3 of the way through there is even a WTF moment, worthy of our podcast (Ep. 7).  I think you will all be pleased.
The one thing this movie doesn’t have going for it is nudity (although that might be a plus for the ladies out there).  Not even side-boob.  I’m afraid I can’t really take this movie completely seriously without at least some skin.  I’d even be happy with male nudity (well, not happy… content and satisfied are poor choices too… well, I think you know what I mean).  A proper B-movie should have gratuitous violence AND gratuitous nudity.  I guess Evil Dead has no nudity, but it has tree-rape, so that more than makes up for it.  But I digress, and I really should finish this up.
Overall, this movie is a good time and I recommend giving it a try.  It doesn’t live up to either of the movies it melds, but it leaves the viewer satisfied and just a touch nauseated.  And isn’t that what entertainment is all about?
originally posted July 9, 2009

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