Friday 26 August 2011

Cannibal Girls

Summary: A recently married couple (Eugene Levy and Andrea Martin) head to a small town in Ontario for a weekend vacation.  The locals tell them the story of a house of cannibal women, which may not only be a legend…. Dun, dun, DUN!

            So I didn’t really know what to expect when I went in to this movie.  I mean, a comedic horror movie from the director of Ghostbusters, starring a young Eugene Levy and Andrea Martin.  That has to have promise, right?  That said, who’s ever heard of this movie, given the names involved?  That doesn’t bode well.  It turns out there was not much to fear, although there is also nothing to be excited about.  The movie definitely has a couple laughs, but on the whole it is a lot less funny than I hoped for.  Fortunately, this is by design (I think).  Unfortunately, the movie doesn’t really work either as a comedy or as a horror.  It has some laughs and a whole load of creepy moments, but they fit together a bit awkwardly and it is difficult to get a good idea of how you are supposed to feel.  I think the funniest thing in the entire movie is Eugene Levy’s hair.  Roz giggled every time he was on screen.  I can’t think of a time when I have seen such a huge fro and mutton chops.  The only word for it was “spectacular”.  Anyway, there is not really anything else to say about Cannibal Girls.  The CGs are hot, you get to see their boobs and a bunch of people die, although not in especially gory ways.  If you get the chance to see it in a theatre with a bunch of like-minded people (as we did) then it is worth checking out.  But don’t go out of your way to find it.
originally posted Apr. 20, 2010

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