Friday 26 August 2011

Alien Versus Hunter

Summary: In a ridiculous rip-off of Alien Vs. Predator, an intergalactic hunter follows his prey to earth where…. oh, who really cares?

This was possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.  The acting is terrible, the cinematography is awful, and the writing is practically non-existent.  But the worst part of it is that it is not even fun.  I don’t even know what happened in the last 40 minutes of the movie because I just couldn’t stay awake, so my comments really only apply to the first 80 minutes or so.  Given all that, let’s talk a bit about this crap-fest.
Let me start off by asking: Of all the movies you could possibly rip off, why Alien Vs. Predator?  Shouldn’t you at least start with something good?  Anyway, the first thing you notice is a strange yellow tint that is probably supposed to make things look hot and dry but really just results in everyone looking like they have hepatitis.  Fortunately you can’t see that actors’ faces long enough for that to matter because of the terribly done hand-held camera.  The top of the frame keeps dipping down and cutting off the top of the actors’ heads at the nose.  Even when the camera isn’t being run by a hyperactive monkey with palsy the shots still managed to cut off the actors’ foreheads.  It feels as though it was framed for full-screen and then after watching it they decided to crop it down for widescreen.
The actors weren’t the worst I’ve ever seen (that honour goes to everyone but Bruce Campbell in Alien Apocalypse) but that means they were just boring.  At least in Alien Apocalypse you got a good laugh every time someone spoke.  The best that can be said for AVH is that the droning dialogue led to a nice nap.
I think my favourite part of the movie was the night segment.  It is an example of the worst day-for-night I have ever seen.  They just gave everything a blue tint – no attempt to underexpose the background or anything.  You can see the sunlight shining through the trees and shadows on the ground. Check out the picture.  Well, I don’t really have anything else to say about this movie.  Don’t bother watching it.
originally posted Feb. 3, 2009

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